Worship at
Ss. Columba-Brigid
Parish Mission Statement:
We the church of Ss. Columba-Brigid are a welcoming, inclusive, multicultural Catholic community inspired by the Holy Spirit to celebrate the Risen Christ in how we worship, love our neighbors, care for God’s creation and work for justice in our daily lives.
Nosotros, la iglesia de San Columba-Santa Brígida, somos una comunidad católica acogedora, inclusiva y multicultural inspirada por el Espíritu Santo para celebrar a Cristo Resucitado en la forma en que adoramos, amamos a nuestro prójimo, cuidamos de la creación de Dios y trabajamos por la justicia en nuestra vida diaria.
Weekend Mass Times
Saturday 4 p.m.
Sunday 9 a.m. (Spanish)
Sunday 11 a. m.
Except: On the last Sunday of the month, instead of having two Masses, one in Spanish and one in English, we come together for one bilingual Mass at 10 a.m.
Now You Can View Masses Via Our Website
Now you can view Masses via our website by going to the View Mass Online page. You can also view previously recorded Masses.
Permission to podcast / stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE with license X-729593. All rights reserved.
If you would like to follow the readings while viewing the Mass online (especially if the Mass is bilingual) , click here for today's readings in English. Click here for today's readings in Spanish.
Sacrament Preparation Classes

First Reconciliation - We offer First Reconciliation classes in March-April for children in grade 2 or higher.
First Communion - We offer First Communion classes in May-June for children in grade 3 or higher.
RCIA for Children - We offer RCIA for Children in March-April for children who have not been Baptized and are over the age of 7.
Confirmation - We offer Confirmation classes at various times of the year for those in grade 10 or higher as well as young adults or anyone else seeking this Sacrament. Our next class will begin this September.
If you have any questions regarding these programs, please contact Deacon Jerry at 863-4800 or by email at jeremylhodson@gmail.com.

Rosary Online via Zoom
You are invited to pray the Rosary from your home via a Zoom call as follows:
- All are welcome to pray the Rosary together
- Every Monday evening beginning at 7 pm
- Join the Zoom Meeting by clicking here
- Are you new to saying the Rosary? Click on the buttons below for easy to follow instructions:
For Mass times at other churches click HERE.
Weekly Bulletin
Click on the button below to download a PDF version of this week's bulletin.
For prior week's bulletins click here to go to our Bulletin page
Until further notice, we will not be having Adoration on first Fridays. If a group of at least four parishioners is willing to organize a group that can be responsible for setting up and attending Adoration, we would be happy to resume montly Adoration. Please contact Fr. Jud or Paula if you are interested.